The Truth About Acne

10/6/14 Most individuals at some point will experience the occasional breakout, hormonal acne or even chronic skin issues related to acne. Most assume it’s a condition only for oily skin types. This is not the case.

Epionce products

The truth is, acne can occur in individuals with dry or even sensitive skin. One thing that drives acne is a damaged skin barrier trying to protect itself, which can occur regardless of how oily skin may be. When the barrier becomes damaged due to any variety of factors, it will respond by producing excess oil and an inflammatory response which can lead to acne.

Individuals with dry or sensitive skin may experience the same environmental, hormonal or genetic factors as people with oily skin– and without a healthy skin barrier both are subject to inflammation.

At Woodford Medical we advocate the use of clinically proven skincare line Epionce as the range can be tailored to all skin types suffering with acne.

Don't suffer acne in silence - contact us today for a skin consultation with one of our highly trained therapists.